Author Guidelines

This is the NEW Author guidelines..!!! (dibawah ada tulisan manuscript language nya english dan indonesia, apakah di ubah jadi english saja?)

Make sure to read the entire guidelines and carefully prepare your manuscript before submission.

Author(s) are discouraged from withdrawing submitted manuscript after it is in the publication process (review, copyedit, layout, etc.,). Please note that, AHoJ had spent valuable resources besides time spent in the process.



As part of the document metadata, authors must categorize their work. They should choose from the list of categories below the one that best fits their manuscript.

  • Research Article :The creation or testing of a model or framework, action research, data testing, market research or surveys, and empirical, scientific, or laboratory research are all included in research articles.
  • Review articles: give a thorough overview of the research on a certain subject and offer insight into the current condition and future directions of the area. Review articles are frequently read widely and frequently quoted (for instance, by scholars looking for a thorough introduction to a discipline). It frequently cites about 100 primary sources.
  • Technical papersanalyze and describe items, procedures, or services that are technically based.
  • A conceptual articlewill develop hypotheses rather than rely on research. The articles will likely be discursive and feature philosophical debates as well as comparisons of other people's ideas and works.
  • Case studiesdetail real-world organizational interventions or experiences. They might be biased and won't typically report on studies. This would also include a description of a court case or a fictitious case study used as a teaching tool.


Manuscript language is English and Indonesian. Make sure to proofread the manuscript writing before submission.


Format & Length

  • Manuscript should be written in Ms. Word file; Other file formats (LaTex, PDF, etc.) are not acceptable.
  • It is a two-column page format with no specific page margins, font times new roman and line spacing are 1
  • The main body of the manuscript should be strictly divided into four main sections, i.e., Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion; written in bold capital letters.
  • Manuscript length can be any number of pages, but the main body should be at least 5000 words, excluding words in Abstract, Tables, References, Appendix, Bibliography, etc.




As a whole, the manuscript should contain these elements in the following order:

  • A research title with a maximum of 14 (fourteen) words;
  • Full name of all authors;
  • Affiliation of all authors (Department/division, Institution, Address, City, and Country);
  • Email  of the corresponding author;
  • Abstract;
  • Keywords (maximum 5 words);
  • Main body (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion);
  • Acknowledgments (as appropriate);
  • Declaration of interest statement (as appropriate);
  • References;



All contributing authors’ names should be added, and their names arranged in the correct order for publication. A correct email address should be supplied only by the corresponding author. The full name of each author must be present in the exact format they should appear for publication, including or excluding any middle names or initials as required. The affiliation of each contributing author should be correct on their individual author name.

The criteria of authorship are as follows; Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; final approval of the version to be published; Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English (except articles written in English) which contain the main issues, research objectives, methods/approaches and research results. Abstract is written in one paragraph, not more than 200 words. (Times New Roman 11 pt, single spaced, and italicized), maximum 1 page.

Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords separated by commas, (according to the scope of articles and journals). (Times New Roman, 11 pt, italic) blank single space).


Introduction Section

The introduction includes the background of a problem as well as the urgency and rationalization of activities (research or service). The activity objectives and problem-solving plans are presented in this section. Relevant literature review and hypothesis development are included in this section. [Times New Roman, 11, normal] page percentage between 10-15% of total words, spaced 1.


Methods Section

The research method used must be written in a scientific way, namely rational, empirical and systematic. The research method describes the approach, activity design, scope or object, main materials and tools, place, data collection techniques, operational definitions of research variables, and analysis techniques. [Times New Roman, 11, normal], space 1.


Results and Discussion Section

  • This section is a mixed results-discussion.
  • Emphasize more on presenting and discussing the main result.
  • Avoid extensive presentation of the following:
    • Raw (input) data.
    • Computation results obtained from step-by-step procedures in many tables and/or figures. Instead, summarize these results in a single concise and meaningful table/figure and draw the conclusion from it.
    • If either raw (input) data or those detailed results are to be presented, put it in the Appendix section. A maximum of four-page appendixis allowed.
  • A discussion should interpret the significanceof the main results/findings, and not just repeat mentioning the result already shown in tables and/or figures.
  • For research on hypothesis testing, explain how the results relate to the hypothesis and provide a succinct explanation of the implications of the findings, particularly in relation to previous related studies.
  • Provide the name and version of any softwaresused and make clear whether computer code used is available.

Conclusion Section

The conclusion contains a brief summary of the results of the research and discussion. Conclusions can be in the form of specific conclusions and general conclusions. is the result of data analysis or the results of hypothesis testing about the phenomenon that must be concluded. General conclusions as a result of generalization or association with similar phenomena in other areas from previous publications. The thing to note is the consistency triangle (problem-objective-conclusion must be consistent). Use of footnotes is not permitted. Symbols / symbols are written clearly and consistently. Foreign terms are written in italics. Abbreviations must be written in full at the first time they are mentioned, after that they can be written in short words [Times New Roman, 11, normal], spaced 1.



Contains acknowledgments to funding institutions/individuals, and/or those who have assisted in the implementation of research and manuscript writing as well as author's affiliated institutions as well as from the donors, administration, colleagues who have contributed significantly to the implementation of research activities [Times New Roman, 11, normal], space 1




  • Author(s) should strictly follow the APA reference style. The style should be carefully checked for completeness, accuracy, and consistency.
  • Include the DOI (whichever apply).
  • The total number of references should be at least 15 references.
  • The use of the most recent primary references should be at least 60% of the total number of references.
  • The use of Mendeley as a tool in referencing is preferable and encouraged.